Change Control


Changes to specification or scope can potentially ruin any project unless they are carefully controlled. Change is, however, inevitable. The control of change means the assessment of the impact of potential changes, their importance, their cost and a judgmental decision by management on whether to include them or not. Any approved changes must be reflected in any necessary corresponding change to schedule and budget.

In PROMISE all potential changes are dealt with as Project Issues.

What Is Being Changed?

This chapter looks at the control of changes to specialist products, not management or quality products. Two important points need to be made:


If a product is to be changed, its Product Description should be checked for any necessary changes


If a product has been approved by the Project Board, that product cannot be changed without the Project Board's agreement.

Authority Levels

One consideration at Project Initiation should be who can authorise changes to what the project is to produce. In a project where few changes are envisaged, it may be reasonable to leave this authority in the hands of the Project Board. But projects may be in a dynamic environment where there are likely to be many requests to change the initial agreed scope of the project.


Is the Project Board prepared to make the time available to review all change requests?


Does it wish to consider only the top priority changes and delegate decisions on minor changes to another body?


How will changes be funded?


Will the Project Board go back to corporate or programme management for extra funds each time a change is desired?

In some projects the Project Board may choose to delegate consideration of changes to a group, here called a 'Change Authority'. A budget to pay for changes is normally given to this Change Authority. This arrangement can avoid a number of Mid Stage Assessments in projects where the frequency of Project Issues is forecast to be high.

The Project Board needs to decide before the project moves out of Initiation where the authority for making changes lies, and these responsibilities must be written into the appropriate job definitions.